Monday, April 11, 2011


     Bear with me for a week or so, and follow me over to Knit 5 Together, my new address (I think).  When you get there, I'll share Eve's first words with you...

Friday, April 8, 2011

this week's moment

     Oh, and sorry I wasn't here yesterday. Our entire family was hit with some horrible, mean germs. The last few times we had any, this Mama some how found herself with just a light sniffle, and an ache or two - you know - Mommy Immunity.

     When my hubby and Micah started feeling yucky, I actually, stupidly, cockily thought to myself, Self, don't worry about it, you have Mommy Immunity.

     Ha. Ha. Ha.

     I didn't get a cough, or sniffles, or any of the yuck the other two had. Oh, no. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to find myself incapable of picking myself up off the bathroom floor, and feeling as though I'd been run through a dryer. 

     I am on the mend though.  See you on Monday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

new project

     Levi's drawing skills have gotten to such a fun point.  I thought I'd show you our next big project that I have planned, before I show him.
      What with the Lego board game (and others) that he has invented, and his love of The Hobbit (which we just finished reading together), I thought we'd put the two together.  I ordered a blank game board from Bare Books, and I just can't wait to show him, and see all the fun sketches we're going to put together for our new game!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Levi's Photo Lessons - Family

     Of course, every once in a while the photographer gets to pass off the camera and be in his own pics, right?!

Monday, April 4, 2011


     This weekend was fun and busy and full of little moments.  Want to see? 

There was...
* Time well spent with friends and a chance to use up the last of a yummy gift card we'd been given
 * Amazing Lego scenes set up (and taken down, and set up...)
* A babe trying to use her big brother's car as a push cart
* Time with one of the basement boys!
* A fun session where the Papa chased the Mama around with the camera, trying to catch her messy, just-eaten-buffalo-wings face (he did not succeed)
* Sewing!
* Time to fiddle around with some of my thoughts towards this blog and my little etsy shop (there was sketching of new toys, and the tossing thoughts around about re-naming this here little blog (I just need something that I really love))
* An awesome service at church: check out the Jesus Files (click the I'd Like to Hear button)
* House-hunting!  Or should I say cottage hunting?
* Knitting of course!  Nothing big, just a few simple washcloths to replace some of the very well-loved (read: used) ones that I keep in the kitchen.
* And last of all, one sweet little boy who realized he was feeling pretty crummy at the last hour of the weekend.

     Yes, over-all it was a wonderful and full weekend.  Even that last little part gives this Mama a chance to hold and love and serve.  If I'm not in this spot tomorrow, you'll know what I'll be doing.

Friday, April 1, 2011

wedding prep

     So, I spent the last two weeks turning this:

    Into this...

     Which grew into this:

     I love my Whippoorwill.  It's the first completely finished thing on my project list for a wedding coming up in the spring.  My boys are going to bear rings, my husband is going to ush, my baby girl is going to be adorable (that's generally her job), and this mama is going to wear her Whippoorwill shawl.  And I'll be dancing.  My boys have already asked me...