Earlier in the week (when it was a bit chilly), BB wanted to snuggle on the porch. Everytime the wind picked up, he would hide under his blanket. Fine by me, two is much warmer than one!
Wednesday afternoon BB got a fever, and soon after that his other cold syptoms started to show. Here he is feeling icky... LB got it too, so this was our first time having both boys sick at once. BB's throat is his main issue, while LB's biggest symptoms are wanting to be held non-stop and boogers! It hasn't been that bad though, just way too much DVD's (I challenge anyone else to come up with a better way to get a sick 3 yr old to rest!).Ta Da! My finished raspberry fiber has turned into this...
Lots of practice sitting up. Made lots of progress! Even getting himself to sitting position without much help (mostly results in tipping and bumping large baby head, but no fear Chunky Monkey plunges on)!
We also had a very fun Orange Day on Wednesday. We wore orange, carved orange pumpkins, and were going to eat things like orange carrots and orange cheese ('cept BB is never very hungry when he's coming down with something).
Next month will be Yellow Day, so if any of you out there find some neat little, mail-able yellow stuff to share, send it our way!
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