Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring Trip - Part Two - The Book Tour

Okay, so I had a great time on my author visits! I went to 7 schools in St. Lucie County, and spoke 14 times! I wish I had taken more pictures, put one of the kind staff at Lawnwood Elemtary took these for me! I also went to St. Lucie Elementary, Fairlawn Elementary, Westwood High, Manatee Academy, Allapatta Flats Academy, and Southern Oaks Middle.

We did a character building activity (lots of shouting and fun ideas - loved it, see the next picture), I read some of my story, gave out books, and talked a bit about what it's like to get published. I really wanted the kids to know that if they love doing something, they shouldn't let anything stop them, whether it's art, sports, math, whatever!

We gave away books at the schools, and here I am with a couple of the winners...

An entertained audienced (hey, who doesn't love getting out of class)!
Here I am, sharing some of my writing techniques (sometimes it's easier to sketch something, so you can remember the details later without having to dig through pages of notes to find out what color someone's eyes are). The kids actually clapped for my sketches, humble as they are...
I know some of you are laughing at my bare feet - typical Anna, right? I really did wear my shoes at the other schools, but the stage at this one was really slippery with my sandals, and I didn't want to start my trip by falling...

Also had a book signing at the Waldenbooks in the Vero Mall - 16 copies of The Pillar of Light sold in the two hours I was there! And 32 people picked up a copy at the Westside Authors' Day at my home church! I was even interviewed by the local access channel, on a program called The Notebook...

Stay tuned for Part Three!

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