Saturday, May 3, 2008

Germs and 'Sharp' Things

Here's my sweet little boy, still feeling yucky Friday. And Friday night he woke up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Poor little thing... I like the way he seemed to turn his nose up for the camera, as if to help me record just how germy he is feeling!

Now, when I scanned through these pictures quickly I had to do a double-take - the boys just look soooo much alike!

Anyways, L and I had a really fun moment yesterday. Don't have pics of my artwork yet, but L saw me doing a practice embroidery picture and wanted to participate. Having actually anticipated this, I had purchased two hoops at the store and a pack of tapestry needles (rather blunt on the end, but still a needle). I swear, embroidery is one of the cheapest crafts out there! Hoops are 99 cents, thread is like 15 cents, and - oh, well, that was not my point was it?

On with the story! He asked to try it and I said, "Well of course you can!" and cut him a scrap of fabric, put it on a little hoop and threaded one of the tapestry needles and put a nice knot on there so we wouldn't lose that needle (hey, it may be blunt, but it's still a needle). I know, I know - knots are bad etiquette in the embroidery world, but he's three... And then I let him have at it and just helped him whenever he got tangled up or needed new thread. He was quite fascinated with being allowed to do such a grown-up project. It was especially important to him that I sat on the couch next to him with my own needlework, which was such a sweet moment for me.

When he got tired of it (which just happened to be as M was waking up from his morning nap), I took a picture of his work and tied off his thread. Isn't that neat? After he went to bed I stitched his name and the date, as I think it'll make such a neat little keepsake. I think I'll frame it, as the stitches are rather longish and would get picked apart by him if I made it into a pillow or something similar.

Who knows if he'll ever pick up a needle again, but Hubby and I thought it was pretty neat. Hubby did a lot of sewing while majoring in theater (at college), and the whole thing reminded me of elementary school. A girl I knew had the biggest, toughest dad, but this guy would sit and stitch the most elaborate stuff, even when she had friends over! My 5th grade eyes had never seen such a thing!

PS - I moved our little seedlings out to the garden, but I have my doubts of anything growing well in all that clay! Even with the Four Bags! of soil Hubby tilled in, there's nothing but clay and rock about 8 inches down. Well, we'll see...

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