Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ft. Pierce Fun - Part 3

L turns Four!
What an exciting day!
It was strange to spend it without Daddy though, as it was his 34th birthday. L had so much fun. He had a sailboat cake (made & decorated by Nana and Pappy)...

...a long wait till after church to eat the cake...

...chocalate ice cream (of which he ate less than you'd think)... Elmo balloon that actually sang the Birthday Song...

...lunch with Gram and Grampy...
...the kindness to actually let his baby brother help open his presents, without anyone asking him to do so (big smile from Mommy)...

...and a cool fire truck to play with, along with a good night's sleep!

Happy Birthday to L! And Happy Birthday to Daddy, too!


Anonymous said...

Great birthday pictures. What a darling cake!
L. looked quite happy!
Luv Ya

Anonymous said...

Great Birthday!!! He is too neat eating his cake.