Monday, October 13, 2008

100th Post!

Tada! This is my 100th post, and I thought it would be the perfect time to share the pics we got from Nana of the boys' first trip to Disney!
Nana, L, M and I all went up to Orlando and had a great time playing in the hotel pool.

Here's L chilling a bit after our fun time swimming. He had so much fun in the pool, and had drained so much energy in his excitement of going to Disney that wanted to go to bed before 6pm!

The next day we got up and met Ronnie (brother of my bestest friend in high school) at a McD's on Disney property. We had breakfast and then followed Ronnie's car past the parking booths for Animal Kingdom, and then Ronnie got us Park Hopper Passes for free (he works for Disney)! He swiped his ID, told a guy he wanted 3 passes and they popped out of machine seconds later.

Let me tell you something, Disney is truly magical when your tickets print out for free! We were able to spend money on some treats and souvenirs without worrying about it!

Here we are on a train in Animal Kingdom...

Waiting to see the Lion King Show! As L put it ""

Riding the flying dinos!

We had such a great time!

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