Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas Afternoon

So Christmas afternoon brought some more family to see us! Grannie wasn't feeling well, and we were sad that she didn't make it. Let's see, who came? Gram & Grampy (great-grandparents), Flip (my uncle), cousin Matt, and cousin Amanda with her husband Jamie and their daughter Aria (and mystery baby on the way). The weather was awesome - see?!

Flip with his grandaughter, Aria.

And after everyone headed home, we had some more fun on our own!
Watching "Lego game" (Indiana Jones).
And here I am on my way to Orlando (all by myself) the next Saturday to see Becca and try on bridesmaid dresses with her sister. Course we're both brides matrons, so we had a good laugh about unpredictably of the size of married women four months down the road. We picked out some pretty dresses, and I'm really looking forward to standing with my friend while she marries such a sweet guy in the spring (he reminds me of my own hubby, so I totally approve)! After that I went and had lunch with my best friend from high school, who lives in Orlando! It was such a fun day!

Okay. After this I have a bunch of beachy, fun pictures to share, and then it's back to what's going on around here!

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