We checked out an amazing book this week, called The Quiltmaker's Gift. The story is about a greedy (and unhappy) king who wants the quiltmaker to give him one of his quilts. His problem? She only gives them to the poor and needy! He tries to force her, under pain of death, but he's not able to go through with his punishments. The story ends with the king finding real happiness, by helping others.
Not only is it a great story, but the illustrations are pure magic! Levi has practically ignored the rest of this week's book pile, instead returning to this one over and over. Needless to say he was really, really thrilled about this week's Sunday School project. They made crowns and talked about Josiah, the boy king. He colored his yellow (yep, the whole thing) and stuck on plenty of jewels. He wore it around the house, and then out into the yard...
Once outside, he made a bear cave, and filled it with rocks, just like in the book (this is one of the ways the greedy king tries to execute the quiltmaker). Then he made a little bear pillow by folding up some grass & leaves into a washcloth, just like the quiltmaker did for her bear...
He even drew a great picture of the king, which is most definately going into our reading folder (it's kind of a portfolio of our book-related learning)! I am amazed by the creativity one little book can encourage, and will most definately be looking to get my hands on a family copy to grace our shelves.
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