Tuesday, August 31, 2010

apple picking!

Summer is dwindling away here, and I am sad to see it go.  I must admit that I am hoping for two very conflicting things: just a little bit more summer, and the chill that will bring the mosquitos at our house to a standstill.

Anyways, we went apple picking for the first time this year, and it was very educational:

  •   Apparently stink bugs thrive on apples. 

  • Not all grown-ups can ignore said stink bugs.

  • Said grown-ups make Mama happy she grew up in the woods. With boys. 

  • Apples can and do split right open on the tree, by the dozens. 

  • My boys enjoy picking fruit that isn't growing on the ground (they both picked and picked and picked). 

  • And, most importantly, we learned that someday, when we own our own place, we want fruit trees.  Especially a sprawling apple tree for climbing.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


My Grannie has passed away. 

This is me and my Granniemiss, one winter (see the socks and long sleeves?).  She and my Papa owned a Honda shop.  My daddy was a mechanic there.  My childhood was full of bikes.

One time we went there, and I had just gotten started on a brand-new candy cane.  Licked the whole thing pretty good, and then we went behind the counter to say hi, and I hugged my Grannie.  When we let go of each other, that candy cane was gone.  G. O. N. E. 

It was stuck in the back of Grannie's pretty, curly hair-do. 

When they finally got it out, it was chucked into the trash, which had just been emptied.  I remember standing on my toes and sadly peering over the edge of the bin.  I feel kind of like that right now.
I still remember exactly what those trash cans looked like.

And she still loved me anyway.

Goodbye Grannie.  See you soon.
I love you, too.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Our little Eve has now smiled at everyone in the family.  The boys were so excited, when they each received their first sister-smile, but not nearly as much as her daddy was!

I love, love, love to watch him loving on his kids.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have to say, I'm totally and pleasantly surprised!  All the other mamas at Ravelry said that the wool covers worked really well, and they weren't kidding!
Eve can totally soak her prefolds, and the wool doesn't even feel wet.  Maybe it's the Bummis prefolds, maybe it's the Patons Classic Wool, maybe it's the combination, but gosh, do they work. 
And you know what else my online pals were right about?  The prefolds really are easy to take care of.

I figure every time I use one of these, rather than a 'sposie, it's one less chunk of plastic sitting in a landfill for the next 500 years.  And that's pretty cool, don't you think?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

sand in Nana's tea

Nana's Tea Leaves Cardigan is coming along nicely.  I've finished one of the sleeves, and all that's left to do is the other sleeve and the edging along  the inside edges.  I really like it so far (I'm seeing one for me in my future)!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010


You know, I find it funny:  I have so many tiny moments I want to photo, but I can't seem to hold the camera and Eve at the same time.  Just another month though, and she'll be even sturdier (so fast, so fast).

Around here things are carrying on.  Me and the boys are still oohing and awwing over our tiny babe, rather than worrying about the dishes (though I did manage to get the floor swept the other day).  We try to make it out to the pool most afternoons.  I sit on the porch where I can watch them and listen for Eve (who is sleeping and hidden away from the mosquitos).  They splash and play and squeal with delight when Mr. Albert sneaks up on them and jumps in next to them. 

And then Levi squirts Ms. Sarah with a water canon.  While she's on the way to dinner.  She was still wearing her camp shirt, and I think he thinks of her as the squirtable type. 
Not my best mama-moment: I'm sure I could have prevented that... 

...Or at least gotten a picture of it...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a curious thing...

Hurray!  Eve finally is big enough to fit into one of the dresses given to us!  She was so funny, laying there next to Micah, with Levi nearby whispering that she is so beautiful, while Mama dashed off for the camera. She was just beginning to be upset when I took this picture...

...and then she halted, overcome with curiousity at that odd, flashing, box-thing Mama's constantly pointing at her and her brothers. 

Apparently the whole concept really wore her out.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

i actually made something!

I actually made something!  Can you believe it?  Eve is so much more of a snuggler than her brothers were, I figured she might just like a baby sling (and I might just like to use two hands when I make peanut butter sandwiches).  I used the design found in Handmade Home, by Amanda Soule, only I had to alter it a bit, as I didn't quite have 2 yards of anything

She seems to really like it, so far!  That's wonderful, because it makes it so much easier to find that book CD the boys were looking for and get it playing...

Friday, August 13, 2010

while I was sleeping

I had a rough night the other night.  Sleep-wise.  That resulted in my passing out on the couch while the baby slept.  When I woke, I found that the boys had been very busy - not to mention, very quiet!  Levi had made this amazing safari (see the drawings of the Jeep and the plane?), and Micah had finished the worksheets he had asked for.  He did a great job on the coloring, but spilled some water on it (he doesn't care, there still needs to be a picture of it).  And can you believe his tracing?  Writing is going to be so much easier for him than it is for Levi...

To kind of make up for my napping, we had fun making a mobile for Eve together.

Oh, and Micah said the funniest thing the other day.  Problem is, I don't think it's post-able.  You'll just have to ask me in person (I swear it's G-rated, just not something I'm going to put on the internet)!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

too much fun!

We had such a great time Nana!  Thank you for coming!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Boys are wonderful, aren't they?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

My dishes are washed.  My family is fed.  Our clothes are clean.  There are plenty of groceries in the fridge.  My boys are played with.  And most of that happened while I was sleeping.

Aren't grandparents wonderful?