Monday, August 23, 2010


You know, I find it funny:  I have so many tiny moments I want to photo, but I can't seem to hold the camera and Eve at the same time.  Just another month though, and she'll be even sturdier (so fast, so fast).

Around here things are carrying on.  Me and the boys are still oohing and awwing over our tiny babe, rather than worrying about the dishes (though I did manage to get the floor swept the other day).  We try to make it out to the pool most afternoons.  I sit on the porch where I can watch them and listen for Eve (who is sleeping and hidden away from the mosquitos).  They splash and play and squeal with delight when Mr. Albert sneaks up on them and jumps in next to them. 

And then Levi squirts Ms. Sarah with a water canon.  While she's on the way to dinner.  She was still wearing her camp shirt, and I think he thinks of her as the squirtable type. 
Not my best mama-moment: I'm sure I could have prevented that... 

...Or at least gotten a picture of it...

1 comment:

Sarah said...


I like to think of myself as the squirtable type as well. And when it's 90+ degrees out, I think everyone belongs in the category of squirtable. :)