Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zoo Day & Mitten Muff

So our post's early, as we will be traveling this weekend and won't have time to deal with this, but here's our trip to the zoo (we've been talking about animals)... Happy Thursday to y'all!
There were horsies to look at, though far away...
And here we are watching the orang utans, out for their daily swing...

Here's when we first arrived, BB saw a great, sleepy black bear and said


We watched the seals darting around at 25miles per hour,
as the trainers were feeding them...
did you know they can dive hundreds of feet deep! I was most impressed with this
interesting fact! BB just liked to watch them splash!

The flamingoes were worth a stop, BB found them fascinating!

Even LB stared at those for a while...

So we had a grand time at the National Zoo, and it was nice that NZ had the day off of work, so we could pal around and mommy could even be in some of the pictures!

And here, ha ha, is my mitten muff... I was hoping to make mittens for my Aunt with the yarn I used to make mine, but, as you can see, there just wasn't enough! Such a bummer! So now I have a homeless 3rd mitten...

poor little thing...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

We started "school" Tuesday - see the pictures?
They're so BB knows what activities we're doing each day!
We're doing the color Red, Animals and a bit of the letter A,
plus we traced his name! He really enjoyed "skool."

Friday was Red Day - we dressed red, did art with red, made Red apple smiles, well, you get the idea! next month we'll be doing orange!

Okay, I know it's early for this, but I couldn't help myself! LB was squirming and wiggling to get in and swim, so I let him! They had lots of fun! (But my arms went numb!)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Extra Williamsburg Pics

Here's BB running on the beach!


What a great time! Packed up the boys went down to visit my Aunt and Uncle in Williamsburg for two nights! See the carrier I made? It's one of those mei tai things - LB loves it - you can put the baby in the front or back or on your hip! Aunt C says I should sell them...

Anyway, our trip gave Aunt C and Uncle J a chance to meet LB and play with BB.

They had a fun toy helicopter waiting for BB, and he got to watch their copy of Story Keepers, which is this neat animated series that we both really liked.

We went to the pool and the beach, colonial Williamsburg, and had a treat at Starbucks! It was great!


Had several projects that kept me busy last week. Thought I'd share some photos!

The kitchen was filled with plastic bins as I went through and resorted all the old baby things to (hopefully) make it a little easier to get things out for LB.

The two tiny skeins above are my first two attempts at handspinning my own yarn - I must say I'm rather pleased with myself. My learn-to-spin kit came with several unidentified fibres and the bottom left roving was a really pale gray, so I made a GIANT mess in the kitchen Monday morning dying them to a pleasing, raspberry-ish color. I'm saving that for the last bit of spinning (right now I'm working with something super soft and brown).

Lastly we got our learning calendar ready, as BB is three now and we're going to start doing some of the things I used to do with my preschool students, so we've made a fun calendar and he gets to put the date up each morning (plus the day of the week, though that's not in the picture).
Anyway, next post - our mini trip to Williamsburg!