Nana emailed a handful of pics to us this morning, of her garden growing and of Pappy's finished boat hull he was building, and L went nuts. We had to immediately, and I mean, right-that-moment, call her and talk at 100 MPH about that garden and that boat. It was very funny!
Blogger has been acting funny lately. I've tried several times to put the video I shot of him on the phone on here, and that won't work, plus it keeps refusing to put a space between my little paragraphs at random times. See? No matter how many times I hit return, when I post this, it'll all be run together! Okay, so look, I actually had to edit the HTML code to get it to seperate - what's going on with this thing?
Anyways, I was wondering... just about the "old" writers. The ones who lived before TV was our (let's just face it) main form of entertainment. Look at the huge, massive, amazing quantities of work they got done. I'm sure other people back then did just as much (probably more, cause even Roald Dahl only wrote for up to 4 hours a day, and he considered himself slow yet still a 'disciplined writer'), they just didn't have the pass-it-down-written-legacy for all the world to see.
I mean, these people literally cranked out dozens of books. Now that was always over decades. But it just makes me wonder... what would happen if we just turned it off?
I mean, I don't necessarily find staring at the computer very inspiring, so I just went and got a spiral legal pad. Between yesterday and today, I probably spent three hours writing, and it felt like a breeze, not something I was making myself do (my general feeling at the keyboard).
And one other thing - did you know that L. Frank Baum churned out 14 books in his Oz series? FOURTEEN! The Wizard of Oz was just the first...