Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy June!

Oh how happy this makes me - our clothes sitting in the sunshine to dry!

We went out to play yesterday, and to water the mud-block, er... garden... and the boys got all wet. L played at the edge of the puddles, using sticks to direct a sink-or-float experiment. M walked right into the middle of the puddles, so I drug the sprinkler off to the side and he toddled in and out of it until he was naked and dripping and laughing his little toddler head off! Oh, how I wish I'd had the camera!

Well, here's what's left of the garden post tree incident. I'm afraid the soil's not that great (even our grass won't grow in places), but I've started some more little seedlings in the house, hoping to try again. The tomatoes are supposed to mature in two or three weeks, but we'll see. Maybe we should build a frame around this and fill it with soil, like SouleMama does... Anyways...

Happy June everone!

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