Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Candle Jars

Aren't they something, sitting there together? Sharing M's crackers, and L letting M use his Wall-E phone? Forgive the slight blur, not sure what the camera's doing. Same lighting, same setting, two kids actually sitting fairly still, and this time a blur. Oh! and M has been enjoying having a date cookie every night for dessert! Anyways...

On to the Advent Activity of the day! L did tons of cutting. The tissue paper was great for him. No resistance, lots of progress. I think I'm going to give it to him more often (it's so encouraging when you can succeed).

Next we put the tissue pieces on the jar. I smeared Mod-Podge and held the jar while L did all the sticking on. He really got into it, and was really focused. I was thrilled that he didn't even mind getting glue on his hands - he just wiped it off and went on.

Here's our work drying (it really was convenient that M slept right through all this)!

And here's our finished jars, glowing away. L was pleased with our new jars, and I think they make dinner special.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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