Friday, February 25, 2011


  1. I spent half an hour lying on the kitchen floor while the baby inspected the zipper on my sweater.  She particularly enjoyed the noise it made against said floor.
  2. Shopping is not my "best" thing, as Levi would say.  Today I need to go to the mall and look for a new dress, so I'll look decent at a spring wedding.  Normally I would find outfits for all the kids and totally forget that my nicer clothes are not at all spring-ish, until the moment I need to get dressed for the wedding.  This time my boys are ring-bearers, and I had the realization that in the (likely) event that one of them needs help, I will be the one giving it, and the last thing I want is to be memorialized for all time in some bridal album as the cute ringbearers' frumpy mother. 
  3. My plan is to find something simple at the mall, and make it more Anna-ish with something knit.  This of course depends on my finding a dress ASAP and then getting coordinating yarn delivered in time.
  4. Eve was very excited about all that food she tried.  Excitement is gone, and she no longer cares two-pence.
  5. Baby Micah did the same thing.  He waited an extra two months and then started eating real food.  Weird.
  6. Baby Levi ate text-book baby food.  He is a picky, picky eater.
  7. I abandoned said text-book not long after picky-eater fiasco.
  8. I like the word fiasco.  I also like adding -ish to things.
That's all.

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