I have made a most excellent discovery! Now, I'm sure you could google around and see that a good many other people may have found this too, but let's not burst my bubble. I needed a little bit of brilliance after that photo-less hat moment of mine.
So what have I discovered? Well, all the recipes I've read for peanut butter playdough have called for dry milk. Some of us have been having issues with dairy around here lately, and we really needed some play dough. There was not enough salt for our "best" kind (as Levi would say), but I really wanted to avoid that dairy in our second best kind.
I decided, what the hey, we'll just toss in flour and see what happens. It turned out awesome! It was really pliable (unlike regular PBPD), it was still edible, and it kept fine in the fridge for a couple of days. I don't know how long it would last, because by that point it was all eaten up. So here's what I used:
Pliable Peanut Butter Play Dough (say that 5 times fast... ;-)
1. Mix together:
~A generous squeeze of honey,
~A huge glop of peanut butter,
~A handful of flour.
2. Keep mixing in flour, a handful at a time, until you have play-with-able dough. Peanut Butter is oily, so sprinkle a bit of flour on the table the first time you use it.
You can add pretzel sticks and make all kinds of things, eat it, or store in the fridge. You can make a little or a lot, depending on how much PB and honey you start with! Enjoy!