Tuesday, March 1, 2011

castle building...

    We're spending this school year studying the Medieval Ages through the early Renaissance.  We have this awesome pair of books:  The History of the World, Volume 2, by Susan Wise Bauer, and the companion Activity Book.  We've just begun to really get into castles and kingdoms and chivalry, knights and samurai.  To start we raided the library and came home with over twenty books that Levi has been pouring over.  And then we built our own castle.  Out of cocoa puffs. 

     The idea was in Bauer's Activity Book, and basically you just make rice krispy treats with a little more rock-ish looking cereal.  And then you smear your hands with butter and mold a castle.  I think that you could really ramp this up with older kids.  Dye coconut shavings green for grass and make a blue jello moat.  Really mold that castle shape.  Put little people into it.
     Either way, our cocoa castle is really, really, really, yummy. 

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