Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a book to keep

     Levi was thrilled when I introduced the concept of lapbooking to him.  A lapbook is just a little book where you gather up facts and pictures about a single subject.  Like knights.

     "You mean we get to keep it?  We don't have to give it back to the library?!"

     Out loud I said: "Yup!"  Inside I thought: Oh dear, this kid is concerned about having to give back all these books about knights and castles...

     Here's our coat-of-arms: if you click on the picture, you can see it closer up and read what all the things mean, saving me the trouble of typing them in again (really, because that is just silly, right?)...

     This last part was too cool.  I asked him to draw a knight and he drew a squire helping the knight suit up, the horse in a stable eating hay, a guy in the dungeon with a guard watching him, the castle kitchen with all the "cookers" wearing chef's hats and busy prepping a big meal.  One was even in the garden, collecting food.

     It was a really fun project, and it's a neat way for Levi to review what he's learned about knights.  Google "lapbooks" if you're interested...

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