Sunday, November 4, 2007

Peter Pan

What a better week! Everyone seems to be feeling better now, and we've been having lots of fun! BB is infatuated with Peter Pan (singing, dancing like the indians, acting out portions of it, etc.), so this week Lindsay helped me transfer some coloring pages I blew up onto BB's walls, and I started painting. BB was blown out of the water! Here's the work in progress on the big pirate ship (left the palm trees for later)...

LB on the move! He has completely perfected the I-can-get-to-sitting-by-myself and quickly moved to the I-bet-I-can-pull-up-on-this stage. He's taken some tumbles, but nothing a kiss and a cuddle can't cure!

BB, hard at play! He loves the pirates, indians, lost boys, Peter, Tink... the whole thing! Having a rough time with the whole "sharing" thing - I mean, isn't everything mine? See the pile of stuff on the right? That started as a tunnel, and turned into a place to hide things from LB... I know all kids go through this, so we've just been using it as a good opportunity to teach BB a lot of things (sharing, boundaries, being obedient, and on and on).
These are the next two pictures for BB's room - Peter and Tinkerbell. He's really excited about them!

Oh - and this Friday will be Yellow Day! Have a great week everyone!

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