Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quick Week...

This week has FLOWN by! LB's standing all the time, and looked like he was going to start walking, but suddenly decide to walk on his knees! He has been cracking me up!

LB was using a spoon, but then I turned around and he had grabbed the cup and decided to use his hands (which actually works rather well).

The next three are all the boys goofing off together - BB was hugging and kissing LB, and trying to tackle him, and wrap him up. I mean, isn't that why Mommy had him, so I could play with him?

This week is also the official release for The Pillar of Light, and I'm really excited abou that! I've started a website for the books, so I can give people an easy way to find it. It's only a few pages now, but I like it so far.

So go to and check it out! Bookmark it and send the page to anyone you think might be interested! They can read a bit from chapter one and even order the book there!

Have a great week everyone!

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