Had several projects that kept me busy last week. Thought I'd share some photos!
The kitchen was filled with plastic bins as I went through and resorted all the old baby things to (hopefully) make it a little easier to get things out for LB.
The two tiny skeins above are my first two attempts at handspinning my own yarn - I must say I'm rather pleased with myself. My learn-to-spin kit came with several unidentified fibres and the bottom left roving was a really pale gray, so I made a GIANT mess in the kitchen Monday morning dying them to a pleasing, raspberry-ish color. I'm saving that for the last bit of spinning (right now I'm working with something super soft and brown).
Lastly we got our learning calendar ready, as BB is three now and we're going to start doing some of the things I used to do with my preschool students, so we've made a fun calendar and he gets to put the date up each morning (plus the day of the week, though that's not in the picture).
Anyway, next post - our mini trip to Williamsburg!
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