Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Catching Up

So, to catch us up to date (we've had so many fun pictures to post from the other weekend!), here's some of the fun moments we've been up to lately... Here's M riding on Daddy's shoulders - classic toddler-puts-his-finger-in-your-eye moment!

And here's L hanging on tight, without my help! Great for his strength building... We were (well, mostly I was,) roaming around in circles singing the old theme tune from Bonanza.

M started singing too! "Bum, bum, bum!"

And here's a bit of the projects I've been working on lately: some mei tai baby carriers. Our friend Jenny had her shower this last weekend, and I knew she wanted one. Figured while I was at it I'd make a few extras and see if they sell on Etsy. Will let you know when I post them at my little shop there.
And here's M, looking slouchy and feeling sniffly. Even feeling less than perfect, he is sooooo cute. They've been watching movies all morning so that Sniffles will sit still and get some rest. I've been reading The Dark is Rising sequence by Susan Cooper. She received both a Newbery Honor and the full Newbery Medal for two out of the five books (impressive, at least to me).
Well, that's all for today!

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