Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas Morning - Bear!

Mama got her Cmas wishes, that all the work I put into the boys' handmade gifts would be special to them, and were they ever! M was soooo funny. He realized what he was unwrapping, and his smile could not get big enough to show his excitement, so he stuck out his tongue! It was great!

And true to boys and bears everywhere, M heard L start up his new RC Jeep (from awesome Uncle Kevin), he dropped the bear and ran to check it out. He came back for bear later!

And here's M having a blast running through Uncle Kevin's legs! He loves running through mine, but Kev's even taller, so he was thrilled!

One of my favorite things about the day was how they took so much time over their gifts. Both of them would open a gift and stop and play with it for a while before moving on. L didn't finish until ten or eleven!

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