Monday, August 18, 2008

Everyone's Learning to Read

Phonics, anyone? is a great, online phonics program, and it's FREE! L loves to do his letters (see Fred/Charlie learning his letters too?)! I found out about it at Jamin's Homeschool Blog - she and her kids do some pretty fun things (I love the way everyday stuff turns into research projects - like with her vultures the other day).
...Anyways, we've been doing "Letters Game" (the phonics), and playing lots of other letter-based matching games and he LOVES it! We keep Learning Time short, varied, one-on-one, and to-the-point! Perfect for my little guy!

And here is M - he has more of a God-given pull towards the written word. It might have something to do with his greater inclination to sit still...

Here's hoping that those of you north of us are also having a beautiful day, and that those of you sitting with the Can't-Take-A-Hint-and-Move-On Fay manage to keep your floors dry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Big B is liking the Phonics and learning. And that M likes the books so much. Hope the southern group is surviving the water!
Grandpa E