Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bag Fun

Here we are, making some fun costumes out of paper bags. Micah just scribbled on his (of course), but Levi wanted to make his look like the one in the picture (he was looking at an old Childcraft book).

So here's Levi, going full-throttle as Bird-Boy. He was trying to fly. And I was cracking up.

What? We're taking pictures of this? Where's my bag...
Love that toddler dance...
...and those toddler cheeks...
...he always makes me laugh!
I think we're going to have Boxer Day soon (cake, gift-wrapped boxers, that kind of thing). I'm hoping all the excitement will help him to be okay with leaving diapers for sleeping, cause he's not sure about the switch. I can't believe it's almost time to leave them behind again.

1 comment:

Emily R. said...

I had that childcraft book when I was a kiddo! Oh the memories!!

:D your boys are adorable!
